Wednesday, January 28, 2009

'The Times' Video on BET!! Kee & Zee got the net GOIN NUTS!

And another one! Looks like BET caught the vapors and givin ya boys some more burn live and direct! Be sure to check out 'The Times' ft. Blu, Fortilive, & Nino Moschella on the net and the tube and support ya fam!

'The Times' ft. Blu, Fortilive, & Nino Moschella on BET!!!

^^^^Click on that!!

oh, and here is the description from;

Welcome to YA HEARD?, where opportunity and hip hop collide! We created the platform. All you have to do is create the video. If you're an up-and-coming artist or independent label and looking for video exposure, then's YA HEARD? is the place for you.

Thanks for all yall help and support, and MYX MUSIC LABEL as they are the machine behind these beat thugs!


1 comment:

bT said...

This track is crazy! When you dropped this single...I was hooked. Can't wait for your LP to drop. Wish you guys all the best. Ya'll keep it up...Peace.