Friday, December 14, 2007

Mario Dones.. His Mic is sooo Damn Dirty..

haha.. Whaaatup tho.. If you aint familiar with Mario Dones then get familiar.. cuz he's real Majaaajor right Now (c) Uce man. If you don't already know you are now being informed about his Dirty Mic Column in Jenesis Magazine.. I just wanted to throw this up for everybody to check out who hasn't got a chance.. If you know Dones then you know hes a beast on the mic first and formost.. So get ready for whats comin!..nuff said..

I wanna give a HUGE shoutout to Brian and Thomas over at Jenesis Magazine. Two dudes who grind like crazy and have shown the whole Sole Vibe alot of love.. So thanks to yall for that! Definitely check the magazine out and love it damn it! lol.

Also, I've had a lot of people ask me who did our artwork for the Ridin High EP.. Well here ya go Brian Tolbert aka Mr. Jenesis. Check him out and holla at him for that ill artwork!


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